The Humans Are Coming!

Wakelet is the best social bookmarking and content creation tool for educators, and it’s an awesome resource when educators share their collections with each other.

National Geographic for Educators

I’m sharing my collection of National Geographic for Educators links because I think it’s an amazing  resource.

Are you interested in become a National Geographic Certified Educator? If so, you’ll want to follow my National Geographic Wakelet collection.

I’m curating my Google for Education links on Wakelet too. It makes it very convenient to have all the links in one place. I hate trying to remember where I saw what link.

Google for Education

You can check out my other collections too!

Google Earth


You can have your collections be public, like I’ve done with these four or you can keep them private, just for yourself.

Wakelet Has New Features

Wakelet + Flipgrid

Wakelet has joined forces with Flipgrid. You can now embed Flipgrid responses directly into a Wakelet collection. That works as an awesome tool for educators. #FlipgridFever for tons of educational ideas on Twitter.

Wakelet + Screencastify

Wakelet also teamed up with Screencastify to give you the ability to upload your videos straight to your collections.

For more information on how this works check out – How to integrate Screencastify and Wakelet.

Save Wakelet Collections

Finally we can now save whole collections to Wakelet. You have the option of  saving them for later or adding them directly into an existing collection.

Wakelet Ambassadors

Wakelet Ambassador

Wakelet’s Ambassador applications have just re-opened with a whole new process. They have introduced 3 simple stages to help you showcase your abilities.

To be an expert on Wakelet you must have 10+ collections or 100+ bookmarks. You must create a collection to showcase your Wakelet journey so far, and why you want to be an Ambassador.

Finally, you will join on a call with Wakelet to say a quick hello before officially announcing you as a new Wakelet Ambassador!

As an Ambassador, you receive training to become an expert in all things Wakelet and have access to the whole Wakelet team if you have any questions, problems or have any suggestions on how to make Wakelet better. Ambassadors get to hear about every new feature that is going to launch before anyone else and even get to test any new features that need a beta phase.

Follow @Wakelet on Twitter. Don’t forget @Flipgrid  @Screencastify and @NatGeoEducation too. And of course, you can follow me too @BobbieGrennier.

You can follow my Wakelet collections too because this is a resource I will be growing specifically for educators.

[bctt tweet=”Wakelet is the easiest way to capture, organize and share multi-media resources with students, teachers, and learning communities.” username=”BobbieGrennier”]