PVUSD Virtual Academy offers a Flipped Classroom and Flipped Learning

Flipped Classrooms

The flipped classroom model is all about the apps. A flipped classroom focuses on student learning from an application perspective. It’s is not a traditional approach to learning using textbooks and teacher lectures. Teachers provide the educational parameters of options, and students use the class time their own way to accomplish the curriculum. A flipped classroom personalizes learning for students. Students are able to make their own decisions on how to learn class materials.

The teacher provides the students with topics, objectives, and directives. Then, the apps give students instructional materials and information. Students use class time to do the school work which improves their critical thinking and problem-solving skills by having the freedom to learn on their own. In a flipped classroom, teachers provide support to students wherever needed as they complete material on their own. Teachers can spend more time focusing on expanding students’ understanding.

Flipped Learning

The flipped learning model uses teachers as support coaches with less emphasis on being the provider of information. Teachers send students home with the lessons. When students return to class, they can spend time working out problems together. Students access the content from home on their own time, then come to class to work either in groups, individually, or with the teacher to participate in application learning through problems, games, and discussions.

The PVUSD Virtual Academy uses an online app to provide instruction to the students. Teachers provide the students with support and can offer additional instructional time as needed.

The use of personalized learning is rapidly increasing among K-12 educators. As schools continue using remote learning, educators seek new ways to implement effective learning in their classrooms by using the flipped classroom and flipped learning instructional styles. The PVUSD Virtual Academy is seeing the results of this powerful duo in its quarterly assessment results. Flipping the classroom and flipping learning has had a positive impact on exceeding the school’s educational goals.