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Author: Bobbie

SDAIE Visual and Performing Arts

The Visual and Performing Arts are often used to help ELLs illustrate their understanding of…

SDAIE Science

Use the connections between science inquiry and SDAIE. Science classes are inquiry classrooms. Learner-centered environments in…

CUE #DitchSummit Wellness Advocate

I've earned my CUE #DitchSummit Wellness Advocate Micro-Credential and Open Digital Badge! If you hurry,…


Math should be explored more deeply rather than more quickly. Students can learn in heterogeneous…

SDAIE Literature

Select materials carefully, slow the pace slightly, portion work into manageable chunks and increase depth…

HyperDoc: First Days of School

The First Days of School Click to read this book, made with Book Creator https://read.bookcreator.com…

Google for Educators Level 2 Certification

Yes, yesterday was that day. The one where I finally made the decision that I…

G Suite Certification for Students

Google recently announced the first G Suite certification for students 13+. The certification is a…

Adapted Instruction Cooperative Learning Structures

Three-step Interviews One student interviews another and then the two reverse roles.. They share with…

ClassDojo Badges

[bctt tweet="The new 2019-2020 ClassDojo Badges are out! Along with a great Teacher's Resource Guide…